Our environment
Lüfteknic takes pride in doing its part in recycling and conservation. The used oil from your engine and transmissions is collected and recycled into heating oil and other products. The worn brake rotors and other metallic car parts past their service life are recycled. Almost everything that finds its way off your car can be recycled, reused, or re-engineered into other products, lessening the impact on our environment. The cleaners and solvents we use are either biodegradable or collected for recycling.
Our facility also uses efficient modern lighting systems and other energy saving measures.
Keeping your car in the proper state of repair helps lessen your carbon footprint every day. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Apprenticeship Program
Here at Lufteknic we value education and today’s youth. With that in mind, we have created a program for high school and college students that wish to further their education within a professional environment. There are opportunities within mechanics, tuning, public relations, motorsports, and design. Our staff is a diverse group with a wide range of education and experience that can help with young peoples future decisions. The marketplace that the youth of today face is much more competitive, fast paced, and difficult than ever before. Lufteknic is at the forefront with e-commerce, marketing, and the Porsche aftermarket growing each day. It can be very exciting for a young person to witness and take part in. This program is available to young people that are between the ages of 18-25. We work with each candidate to bring a program together to accomplish the goals set forth in the first day. After an apprenticeship program has been completed, it can lead to a permanent position on staff. If a candidate has other goals, they can leave Lufteknic with the professional work experience needed to get to the next step in their career.
Please email a cover letter and resume of any work experience and interests to: info@lufteknic.com.
High School Internships
Many of our area high schools have developed a required internship program for their students to participate in during their junior or senior year. If a candidate is interested, they must have a 3.0 GPA and maintain that throughout their stay. The length and type of program can be tailored to fit the individual needs of the student. Each student is responsible, as they would be on the job, to take an active role in the development of goals and tasks. Students have a say in what they want to learn and accomplish. This can be challenging at times, but very rewarding with seeing their ideas come to fruition. There are limited spots each semester, so get that paperwork in early. Parents/Guardians are involved in every step of this process, but most the job will rest on the intern.
Please email a cover letter, school requirements, and resume of any work experience and interests to: info@lufteknic.com.
College Internships
In recent years, colleges have developed real world working experience programs for their students. We welcome the opportunity for students to garner real world experience. Programs can be diverse and are tailored to each student’s desire, concentration of study, and length of time in the program. Students must have a 3.0 GPA, and also maintain that average throughout their internship. These programs can be scheduled during the school year or summer and winter holidays. Students are expected to take an active role in developing what they want to accomplish, and we will work with them in honing a well rounded program worthy of the school credit they receive. This type of internship can be challenging to maintain along with the other responsibilities of school, so time management is an important skill.
Please email a cover letter, school requirements, and resume of any work experience and interests to: info@lufteknic.com.